Chapter 5

Dirty officer 

Chris couldn't keep his eyes off Jodie's body. He would make lewd comments and constantly touch her whenever he had the chance. Jodie was terrified and disgusted by his behavior, but she didn't want to show weakness in front of him.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel

Chris had always been known to be a bit creepy. His lecherous behavior towards women was an open secret. But Jodie never expected to be on the receiving end of his perversions.

However, as she was taken to the cell block, Jodie couldn't hold back her fear and unease. The place had a chilling and eerie vibe to it, as if it was haunted. She could feel something lurking in the shadows, watching her every move.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel

Jodie pleaded with Chris to release her, but he only laughed and told her she would be spending the night in the cell. She refused to stay in that creepy place alone, especially with Chris leering at her. She just wanted to get back to John.

In a desperate attempt to break free, Jodie kicked and screamed at Chris. But he was quick to restrain her and handcuff her hands behind her back for being hostile. Jodie could feel his breath on her neck as he whispered in her ear, 'Sleep tight sweet cheeks.' She could feel his hand slapping her ass as he forcefully pushed her into the cell.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel

Jodie's screams echoed in the empty cell block as she called Chris a dirty fucking cunt and threatened to report him for sexual assault. But Chris just walked away, silently flipping his finger over his shoulder at her.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel

Jodie was left alone in the cell, trembling with fear and disgust. The darkness seemed to close in on her as she heard faint whispers and footsteps coming from all directions. She was sure she was losing her mind.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel

As the clock struck 4am, Jodie was abruptly woken up by the sound of the heavy metal cell door opening. She rubbed her eyes to focus, and to her horror, she saw Chris standing there, his eyes filled with lust and malice. Her heart began to race as she realized the danger she was in.

Chris grabbed his groin tightly and leered at Jodie. 'You're a pretty little thing, aren't you?' he said in a low, menacing voice. 'I've been watching you, Jodie. I know what you like, and I can give it to you.'

Jodie's blood ran cold as Chris revealed his sickening intentions. She felt violated and disgusted, but she knew she had to stay calm and find a way to protect herself.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel

'What do you want from me?' Jodie asked, her voice trembling with fear.

'Well, you see, sweetie,' Chris replied, grinning wickedly, 'I found something interesting in your bag.' He waved a large bag of drugs in front of him and continued, 'Now, here's the deal. You can either take what I have to give you, or I can charge you with possession and you'll spend the next five years in prison. And we both know how the male guards treat new inmates like you.'

Jodie's eyes widened in horror as she realized the gravity of the situation. She was at the mercy of a despicable man who held her life in his hands.


Chris locked the cell door behind him. He moved closer to Jodie, unzipping his pants and freeing his massive, semi-erect cock. He licked his lips and squeezed harder on his groin as he looked at Jodie's body. Chris grabbed his dick by the base and shook it vigorously as Jodie watched it grow hard.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel

'Now bend the fuck over, bitch,' Chris growled, 'and show me that pretty ass. You've been a bad slut and need punishment from the law.'

Jodie's heart was racing, her mind was screaming for help, but she was trapped and helpless. She had nowhere to go and no one to turn to. She could feel the fear consuming her as she submissively bent over and spread her ass cheeks as Chris instructed.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel

Chris let out perverted grunting noises as he approached Jodie, his rigid member in hand. He was relishing the thought of taking pleasure in teaching his new 'slut' a lesson. But Jodie was no 'slut', she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

As Chris started to enter Jodie, she closed her eyes, trying to block out the pain and humiliation. She could feel his hard dick penetrating her vulnerable pussy hole and she wanted to scream. But all she could do was whisper, 'Please be quick, Chris.'

To her surprise, Chris replied, 'Good girl,' and started to thrust harder. Jodie's body was tense, her mind was screaming for this nightmare to end. She had never felt so helpless and violated in her life.

Chris didn't last long inside his new, fresh piece of fuck meat and he blew his load deep inside Jodie's wet trembling pussy. As he pulled out, satisfied and smug, his happy dick flopped out and rested on the bed. He watched in sick fascination as her pretty pussy forced out the thick creamy load, the best cream pie he had ever seen.

But Chris wasn't done yet. He then rubbed his bellend across her oozing cunt, picking up a puddle of cum and flicking it across her back as it flung from his cock. He laughed as Jodie cringed and sobbed, completely broken by his sick and twisted actions.

As a final act of dominance, Chris slapped Jodie on the ass and said, 'Good whore, you took your punishment like a naughty little slut.' With that, he left the cell, locking the door behind him.

Jodie was left sobbing and broken, a victim of a truly horrifying experience. She was too afraid to tell anyone, too ashamed of what had happened to her. Chris went on with his life, his perverted desires only temporarily satisfied. Chris raped many innocent girls in his career and was never caught, Jodie was just another victim of his sordid conquest.