Chapter 23

Bunked up  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

Jodie had been in this world long enough to know that she couldn't let her guard down for even a moment. The Sperminators were relentless, always on the hunt for their next victim. She had already lost everyone she loved to these machines, and she refused to be their next target.

But as she walked, Jodie's thoughts were interrupted by the sight of a large, ominous building in front of her - a prison. It was surrounded by tall fences and barbed wire, and the broken windows and dimly lit cells gave off an incredibly creepy and menacing vibe.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

For a moment, Jodie considered entering the prison. It could possibly provide her with shelter and protection from the Sperminators. But something about the place gave her an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach. She had seen enough horror movies to know that exploring a creepy abandoned building in the middle of a horror scene was never a good idea.

Shaking her head to dismiss her thoughts, Jodie continued on her journey, keeping her eyes and ears alert for any signs of danger. She needed to find a safe place to rest and regain her energy.


Jodie kept moving making her way through the deserted streets, her heart racing with fear and her stomach rumbling from hunger, Jodie couldn't help but shudder at the sight of dead bodies littering the ground. The smell of death and burning buildings filled her nostrils, and she could hear the distant sounds of screams and gunfire.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

After what felt like hours of walking, Jodie's heart leaped with hope as she caught sight of a small village in the distance. It was located outside the city, nestled in the countryside. The lights of the village seemed to beckon to her, promising a glimmer of safety in this world of terror.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

But as she made her way closer, Jodie's hopes were quickly shattered. The village was in ruins - the buildings burned and destroyed, the ground littered with the dead bodies of its inhabitants. It was evident that the Sperminators had already been here, leaving behind nothing but death and destruction.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

Feeling defeated, Jodie leaned against a nearby tree, trying to catch her breath and collect her thoughts. As she took a moment to gather her strength, a voice suddenly rang out from behind her.

'Looking for a place to hide, sweetheart?'  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

Jodie's heart skipped a beat as she turned to see a man standing behind her, a cigarette between his lips and a gun in his hand. She could tell from his scruffy appearance and rough demeanor that he was not someone to be messed with.

'Who are you?' Jodie asked cautiously.

'Name's Jack. I'm a survivor, just like you,' the man replied, taking a drag from his cigarette. 'And I have a safe place for us to hide.'  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

Jodie was skeptical. She had learned to trust no one in this world, especially a stranger in the midst of all this horror. But her gut feeling told her to listen to Jack, and she followed him through the rubble and debris to a hidden bunker built beneath a farmhouse.

The bunker was stocked with food, water, and weapons, and it was the perfect place to hide from the Sperminators. Jodie couldn't believe her luck. It seemed like she had finally found a safe haven. Jodie was happy for the first time in weeks as she checked the food supply and made conversation with Jack.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

Jodie and Jack had been hiding in the bunker together from the Sperminators for a week now. They were both survivors and they were wary and exhausted, constantly on guard for any signs of the Sperminators' presence.

But in this moment, as they sat in the dimly lit bunker, sipping on drinks and sharing laughter, Jodie felt a sense of peace she hadn't experienced since the first bombs fell. Jack was a decent man, with a good sense of humor and charming smile. And to top it all off, he was quite handsome.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

As they talked, Jodie couldn't help but notice Jack's big bulge in his pants. She couldn't believe her luck – a haven from the danger outside and a hot guy to enjoy it with. Her cravings for cum suddenly consumed her, and she knew she couldn't resist any longer. Cum was energy for Jodie, like an adrenaline boost, she needed cum.

With courage fueled by the drinks they had shared, Jodie confessed to Jack that it had been a long time since she had been with a man. She offered to satisfy her craving for cock by giving him a blowjob, but made it clear that she would not have sex with him.

Jack couldn't believe his luck as Jodie's words sent electric shocks of desire making his dick twitch in his pants. He had secretly been staring at her ass since the moment they met, and now she was offering to indulge his fantasies.

Without hesitation, he unzipped his pants and pulled out his rock-hard dick, which was already coated in pre-cum. Jodie's eyes widened at the sight of his thick, veiny member and she wasted no time in wrapping her lips around it.

She took him in deep, using her tongue to flick at the sensitive spots on his shaft. She could taste the saltiness of his pre-cum and it only made her crave more. As she sucked and licked, she could feel his pleasure building and it only made her more eager to please him.

Jodie's head bobbed up and down, her mouth working in perfect rhythm with her hands. She stroked and licked and sucked, using all her skills to bring Jack to the brink of orgasm. Jack bust his nut in under two minutes over Jodie’s face as she tried to catch as much cum in her mouth as she could. But she wasn't done yet.

Her cravings were still not satisfied. She wanted more. She knew Jack had a lot more to give. So she did her signature slutty blow job technique - she spit on his dick and used the saliva to coat it, making it slippery and wet.

The sensation was incredible for Jack, and he let out a low moan of pleasure. Jodie took this as a sign to continue, and she started to nibble and bite at his balls, alternating between gentle suckling and rough biting. Jack's hands gripped the armrests of the chair as he tried to contain his moans, not wanting to attract any unwanted attention.

But Jodie wasn't done yet. She went back to stroking and sucking on his now saliva-covered dick, making sure to run her tongue along every inch of him. She could feel his balls tightening, a sure sign that he was close to climax. And that's when she did something she had been craving since the moment she laid eyes on him – she licked his entire length from base to tip in one swift motion.

Her bold move was enough to push Jack over the edge. He let out a deep, guttural groan as he came, shooting massive spurts of cum into Jodie's waiting mouth. She didn't waste a drop, swallowing every last bit of his warm, salty cum.

As they sat there, panting and trying to catch their breath, Jodie couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. She had fulfilled her craving for cum and had pleased Jack in the process. It was a win-win situation.

The rest of the night was spent in a blissful haze, with Jodie curled up in Jack's arms, feeling safe and content. They talked and laughed and shared intimate moments, their bodies pressed together in the small bunk bed.

And as the sun rose the next morning, they both knew that they had found a special connection in this desolate world. For Jodie, the taste of Jack's cum would always remind her of the night she found not just a safe haven, but also a new friend and lover.


But their peace was short-lived. When they woke up the next morning, the power to the bunker had cut out. Jack explained that the generator needed fuel, so he grabbed his shotgun and headed out of the bunker to the barn outside to refill it. Jodie stayed behind, starting to prepare breakfast in anticipation of the power coming back on.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

However, as she was preparing she heard the sound of Jack's shotgun go off, followed by screaming. She knew something was wrong and quickly grabbed her own weapon jack had given her, in preparation to defend her life.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

Meanwhile, outside the bunker, Jack found himself face to face with three unarmed Sperminators. They were mindlessly wandering the streets, searching for their next victim. But this time, that victim was armed and ready to fight back.

Jack opened fire on the machines with his shotgun, but his bullets had no effect. The Sperminators continued to advance, undeterred by the barrage of bullets. With each passing second, Jack's hope dwindled as he realized that he was outnumbered and outmatched.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

The Sperminators tore Jack apart limb from limb, their inhuman strength ripping him to shreds. They beat his torso with his own arms and legs, inflicting pain beyond imagination. Then, the soulless machines did the unimaginable - they pulled off Jack's genitals, leaving him to suffer in agony.

As if that wasn't enough, they finally decapitated his head, pulling his skull out, still attached to his spinal cord silencing his screams forever. Jodie could do nothing but listen in horror as the sounds of Jack's brutal death echoed through the bunker. She felt sick to her stomach, horrified at the thought of what had happened to her new friend.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

The Sperminators started to make their way to the hatch of the bunker, which was wide open. Jodie knew Jack had the key, and there was no way of keeping them out. She was prepared to fight, to die if she had to, Jodie had killed hundreds of sperminators and she wasn’t afraid to confront these if she had to, but Jodie’s blood boiled, something inside her snapped.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

The Sperminators had taken everything from her – her family, her friends, and now Jack. She was truly alone in this world, and the realization broke her. In a fit of rage, Jodie screamed at the top of her lungs, unleashing all her pain and anger at the machines. 'Why don't you fuck off out of my life, you fucking cunts, and leave me alone!' she yelled.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

To her surprise, the Sperminators stopped in their tracks, turned around, and walked away as if they had listened to her demands. Jodie couldn't believe it. Had she somehow gained control over these soulless machines?  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,