Chapter 29

Home sweet home  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

As Jodie looted through the derelict shops, she couldn't help but feel a sense of dread and desperation. It had been two weeks since the black sun. They were ruthless, canabalistic savages that wanted her as their next victim, her skin still itches when she thinks about them.

She had lost everything in the chaos, and she was on the verge of losing her mind, and she was now once again on her own in this eerie, dangerous world. Her only goal was survival. So when she heard of a safe haven on the coast of Cornwall from gossip back in the church, she knew she had to try and make it there. She gathered what supplies she could and set off on her long journey.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

The journey was going to take her about two days, a dangerous and grueling trek through the unforgiving landscape. But Jodie knew she had no other choice.


On the first day, she walked for hours, the sun beating down on her, sweat dripping down her brow. Her feet ached and her muscles screamed in protest, but she pushed on, determined to reach the coast.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

At one point, she came across a small abandoned store and decided to stop and take a break. She found some canned goods and a warm jacket, which she quickly added to her backpack. As she was about to leave, she heard a noise outside. She froze, her heart racing as she looked around for a place to hide. But to her relief, it was just a hungry cat that meowed at her, obviously looking for help. Jodie had picked up a tin of tuna in the store, she opened the tin and gave it to the hungry cat. Jodie stroked the cat and wished it good luck.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

The streets were quiet, except for the constant hum of the machines in the distance. Jodie kept to herself, avoiding any other survivors she came across. She had learned the hard way that not everyone could be trusted in this apocalyptic world. Every survivor she met either wanted to hurt her or rape her. It was a harsh reality, but Jodie had to be strong and keep moving forward.

As she walked, she couldn't help but think about how different the world used to be. How she had taken everything for granted – a warm bed, a hot shower, even just a simple hug from her loved ones. It all seemed like a distant memory now.

As the sun began to set, Jodie knew she needed to find shelter for the night. She found an old abandoned house and cautiously made her way inside. She barricaded the doors and windows as best she could and hunkered down for the night. But sleep did not come easily. Every creak and rustle outside made her heart race, thinking it could be the machines or other survivors trying to break in.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

It doesn't matter what state the world was in, Jodie was always horny. It seemed like no matter what came her way, her desires were always the same - to satisfy her insatiable lust. Even in the midst of an apocalypse, Jodie couldn't resist the urge to indulge in fingering her wet, horny pussy.

Jodie couldn't help but smirk as she started to feel the familiar tingling between her legs. She couldn't resist the urge any longer, and with a sly smile, she pushed her blankets aside and spread her legs open.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

Her fingers slowly trailed down, teasingly caressing her inner thighs before finally reaching her panties. Without any hesitation, she slipped her hand inside, feeling the dampness that had already formed between her folds.

Her fingers danced over her clit, sending shivers down her spine. She moaned and closed her eyes, picturing the touch of someone else's lips on her skin. But she knew that this was even better, because only she knew exactly what she wanted and how she wanted it.

Jodie's fingers plunged into her wetness, teasing her entrance before slipping in deeper. She couldn't help but let out a loud gasp as she started to move her fingers faster, her hips instinctively grinding against her hand.

As her pleasure built, Jodie's mind wandered to memories of her past sexual encounters. The way her last lover's rough hands gripped her ass, as he penetrated her tight, warm cunt, the way another lover's soft lips kissed and nipped at her clit. But most of all, she thought of the way they made her feel - desired and wanted.

As she continued to pleasure herself, she let out soft moans, imagining the sounds of her lovers' voices whispering in her ear. She couldn't resist the urge to slide another finger inside, her movements becoming faster and more intense as her juices seeped over her flaps.

Jodie's nails dug into the mattress as she felt her climax approaching. She could feel the heat spreading through her body, her breath becoming more labored. Her fingers moved steadily, their pace increasing as her pleasure became too much to handle.

And then, finally, it happened. Jodie let out a loud cry as she reached her peak, her body convulsing in ecstasy. She held her breath and closed her eyes as the waves of pleasure coursed through her body, leaving her limp and satisfied.

After catching her breath, Jodie couldn't help but smile at the mess she had made on the mattress. She knew that she wouldn’t have to clean up, but for now, she was content basking in the afterglow of her orgasm.

The next morning, Jodie woke up to the sound of drones flying overhead. They were the machines' eyes and ears, constantly scouting for survivors to kill. Jodie knew she needed to be careful and stay hidden as she continued on her journey.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

She walked for hours, the rugged terrain and long abandoned roads making her journey even more treacherous. But by nightfall, Jodie finally caught a glimpse of the coast in the distance. She felt a glimmer of hope as she quickened her pace, smelling the salty ocean in the air, determined to make it to safety.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

But just as she was about to reach the coast, she heard footsteps behind her. She turned to see a group of men, armed and dangerous, approaching her. Her heart sank as she realized they were not survivors looking for shelter, but rather scavengers who had their sights set on her.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

Jodie's brain went into overdrive, trying to think of a way out of this situation. She had always been a fighter, ever since the world fell into chaos. She had learned to defend herself and how to handle dangerous situations, but this was something else entirely. These men were ruthless, and she could see the hunger in their eyes.

The leader of the group stepped forward, a sneer on his face. 'Well, well, what do we have here?' he said, eyeing Jodie up and down. 'Looks like we've got ourselves a little, cute survivor.'


Yeah, she’s well fit, check out the ass on it.’ One of them added. ‘I hope you like sucking dick, luv? Cause we got plenty of meat to share with ya.’ He says with a sly grin on his face, grabbing ahold of his dick.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

Jodie clenched her jaw, gritting her teeth in anger. She was not going to go down without a fight. She had already lost everything and she wasn't going to let these men take away her life as well.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

The other men surrounded her, brandishing their weapons and closing in on her. Jodie could feel her heart racing, her muscles tensing as she prepared for the worst.

'Come with us,' the leader said, his voice dripping with malice. 'We can make you one of us. You'll never have to worry about survival again.'

Jodie knew exactly what that meant – she would have to do whatever they told her, become their slave, and potentially even become their sexual plaything. She shuddered at the thought and refused their offer.

'I'll never join you,' she spat, her voice trembling with fear and rage.

The men laughed, thinking it was just a show of bravado. But they were soon proven wrong.

Jodie had had enough. She wasn't afraid of their guns or of them, In a split second decision, she went into 'psycho bitch mode' as she liked to call it. her mind shutting off all emotions except for the primal instinct to fight.

Without any warning, she launched herself at the nearest man, her fist connecting with his jaw. He stumbled back, caught off guard by her sudden attack. But that was just the beginning.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

Jodie fought like a wild animal, her punches, kicks, and bites coming fast and furious. The men were taken aback by her ferocity and strength, but they quickly regrouped and retaliated. They fired shots at her, but Jodie was too quick, dodging and weaving around them.

One of the men grabbed her from behind, trying to restrain her, but Jodie was having none of it. She elbowed him in the ribs, smashing his rib cage, causing him to let go, and then turned and punched him in the face, exploding his nose. He stumbled back, his nose bleeding, but he wasn't out for the count yet.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

The leader, realizing that this woman was not like any they had encountered before, joined in on the fight. He charged at her with a knife, ready to strike. But Jodie was prepared. She had seen the glint of the blade and managed to grab a metal rod from the ground, using it to block his attack.

The two of them were locked in a fierce battle, neither one willing to back down. Blood was dripping from Jodie's nose and cuts on her arms, but she refused to give up. She was fighting for her life, and she wasn't about to let these men take it away from her.

In a moment of desperation, the leader lunged at her, knocking Jodie to the ground. He straddled her, his knife inches away from her face. But Jodie's survival instincts kicked in once again.

With her overwhelming strength, she grabbed his wrist and twisted it until his bones crunched with a cracking twist, she picked up the knife and plunged it into the leader's stomach, his eyes widening in shock before he collapsed on top of her. She quickly pushed his body off and then savagely stabbed him in the dick repeatedly in a fury of rage, one of the men tried to pull Jodie off of the leader to try and save his life, but Jodie just swung around with the knife and cut his throat open. She then scrambled to her feet, surveying the scene.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

The other men were either lying on the ground, unconscious or dead. Jodie looked down at her hands, covered in their blood. She couldn't believe what she had just done. She had killed them all like a savage animal, and she had enjoyed it.

Feeling a surge of adrenaline, Jodie let out a primal scream of triumph, raising her arms to the sky. She felt alive, stronger than ever before. She had survived, and she had done it by herself.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

But suddenly, she was by another group of other survivors who had come to her rescue. They had heard the gunshots, Jodie couldn't believe it. She was going to be saved by strangers, a rare gesture in this cruel world. They quickly helped her gather her things and get away from the men.

As they ran towards the coast, Jodie couldn't stop the tears from streaming down her face. She was grateful to be alive, but also terrified at how close she had come to being another victim of this apocalyptic world.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

They finally reached the coast and Jodie saw the safe haven that she had been searching for – a community of survivors who had banded together to protect themselves against the machines. They welcomed Jodie with open arms and she finally felt like she had found a place where she could truly be safe.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

But even in this haven, the threat of the machines was still present. They continued to send drones to find and attack the community. But Jodie was not alone anymore. She had found a group of people who had become her family and they were determined to fight back against the machines and the scavengers who threatened their existence.

Jodie's long journey had come to an end, but her fight for survival was far from over. She would face many more challenges and dangers, but with her newfound strength and the support of her new family, she knew she could face whatever came next. And as the sun set over the coast, Jodie felt a glimmer of hope for the first time in weeks. Maybe, just maybe, there was still a chance for humanity in this apocalyptic world.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

You found Jodie a happy ending, she was lucky enough to find a community of civilised people. The war raged on and they fought for survival for another fifteen years until Sky-Sex depleted its only power source. The world could eventually start over. Jodie never loved again after the trauma that she had been through, and even if she could, she was still a machine that would make her lover infertile. The survivors rescued a six year old girl named Stacey who had lost her family. Jodie dedicated her time to bringing her up and giving her the best chance at life that she could.