Chapter 30

The last night  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

Lieutenant Jane and Jodie walked out of the mission briefing room, hand in hand. They were about to embark on a dangerous mission, one that could potentially be their last. As they walked down the dimly lit hallway, Jodie couldn't help but admire Jane's strong and confident demeanor. She had been assigned as Jane’s partner for this mission, and in just one week, they had formed a deep and intense bond.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

They were on a mission to put an end to Sky-Sex. But this mission came with a risk – one of them could die, or their entire timeline could be erased if they succeeded.

As they exited the building, Jane suggested that they go out for a drink to ease their nerves. Jodie agreed, and they made their way to a nearby bar. As they sipped on their drinks, they couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness wash over them. This might be the last night they ever spend together, and they had only known each other for a week. But in that short time, they had fallen deeply in love with each other.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

Lieutenant Jane didn’t see Jodie as a machine, she was more in love than ever and wanted this last night to be special, they spoke about the mission and the potential outcomes, Jodie said. ‘If we fail, but survive, we will be stuck in the year 2039. We will have to see the bombs fall again,' she said in a solemn tone.

But Lieutenant Jane was quick to interrupt, her determination shining through as she declared, 'I have never been on a mission that has failed. This mission will be a success, it has to be. Failure is not an option.'

Jodie nodded in agreement, 'You're right. But doesn't it hurt your brain trying to process the time paradox? I mean, there will be a younger version of both of us existing at the same time.'

Lieutenant Jane furrowed her brows in confusion. She never thought about it that way. She was too focused on the mission and its success. But Jodie's words struck a chord with her. She couldn't imagine seeing a younger version of herself and Jodie. It was almost too much to process.

But Lieutenant Jane pushed those thoughts aside, knowing that they had a mission to complete. They had a responsibility to prevent the devastation and save millions of lives, even if it meant never seeing Jodie again.


'If there is a slight chance we have any memory of this,' Jodie began. 'We could meet up after everything is done.'

Lieutenant Jane's eyes lit up at the thought. 'That sounds amazing, Jodie,' she said with a smile.

'But,' Jane's expression turned serious. 'If the timeline restores itself ten years before any of this happens, you are only 18. That means you will be eight and I will be twenty six.'

Jodie furrowed her brows, trying to wrap her head around the concept. 'No,' she said firmly. 'My birth age is thirty six. We are the same age.'

Lieutenant Jane's eyes widened in surprise. 'But how is that possible?'

A sly smile played on Jodie's lips. 'I was sperminated back in the year 2024, when I was eighteen,' she revealed. 'And I've not aged a day since. When we destroy Sky-Sex, she would never have existed to do this to me. And I should be human again, right?'

Jane nodded, understanding now. 'Wow, my head hurts just thinking about it,' she chuckled. 'Let's just finish these drinks, get back to mine, and get naked, okay?'

Jodie laughed, finally feeling at ease. 'You read my mind,' she said, clinking her glass against Jane's. Their eyes locked, and they leaned in for a passionate kiss, their bodies pressing against each other. The intensity between them was electric, and they both knew that they couldn't resist each other any longer. Without a word, Jane flashed her tits at Jodie and then took her hand and led her back to her quarters.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

Once they were alone, they tore each other's clothes off in a frenzy of passion. The air between them was thick with desire, and they couldn't wait any longer. They explored each other's bodies, kissing and touching every inch. They were completely lost in each other, and time seemed to stand still.  porn games, adult games, visual novel, xxx games, games for adults, mobile porn games, sex games, adult sex games, adult visual novel, lewd games, visual novel,

Their bodies moved in perfect rhythm, and they moaned in pleasure with each thrust. The room was filled with the sounds of their love-making, and they couldn't get enough of each other. They were two bodies, completely consumed by love and desire.

As their wet pussy’s entwined, they knew that this might be their last night together. But they were determined to make it count. They reached the peak of pleasure together, collapsing into each other's arms, panting and sweating.

In that moment, they knew that no matter the outcome of their mission, they would always have this memory to hold onto on the battlefield. They fell asleep in each other's arms, the weight of their love keeping them warm and safe.

The next morning, they woke up early to prepare for their mission. But as they got ready, they couldn't help but sneak in a few more kisses and touches of each other’s tight cunts. They were ready to face whatever came their way, knowing that they had each other's love and support.